Penne With Steamed Veg & Coriander Sauce

180 gm- Penne pasta, cooked ip
100 gm- Coriander sauce ip
25 gm- Baby carrot, clean
35 gm- Baby fennel, clean
30 gm- Broccoli, clean
25 gm- Snow peas
30 gm- Green beans
30 gm- Zucchini green, clean
30 gm- Zucchini yellow, clean
1 gm- Coriander leaves
1 gm- Salt
1 gm- Black pepper
20 gm- Unsalted butter
30 gm- Cauliflower, clean

1. Begin with clean pasta pan, heat up the pre made coriander sauce.
2. In pre heated sauté pan, add butter sauté the mix baby vegetable and season salt, pepper to taste and a side.
3. Drop the penne pasta in boiling water for one minute, then remove and drain from access water and add to coriander sauce tossed nicely.
4. Now in clean pasta bowl dish up first the penne then follow with mix vegetable place it nicely on the top as showing in the above picture.
5. Garnish coriander leaves.

Recipe by Chef: AKRAD Mourad - Morocco