Mushroom Malai Mutton

500 gm. Mutton
1 cup- Mushroom, sliced
2 medium- Onion, sliced
1 tbsp. Ginger-Garlic paste
½ cup- Tomato puree
4- Green chilies
½ cup- Yogurt
1 tsp. Red chili powder
¼ tsp. Turmeric Powder
½ tsp. Cumin powder
Salt to taste
4 tbsp. Oil
½ tsp. Garam masala powder
½ cup- Cream
¼ cup- Coriander leaves, chopped

1. Heat oil in a heavy bottomed pan add onion and soute until soft and pink.
2. Add ginger-garlic paste and soute.
3. When the raw smell goes off add in mutton and fry well.
4. Now add tomato puree, green chilies, yogurt, red chili powder, turmeric powder, cumin powder and salt. Mix it and cook it well.
5. When the yogurt is absorbed, add a cup of water in it and cook on slow medium flame.
6. When the meat is 90% done add mushroom, garam masala powder and cook it for 6-8 minutes.
7. Now add cream and mix it well.
8. Garnish with fresh coriander leaves and serve.

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