Chicken Tikka

1 kg- Chicken
1 - cups Yogurt
1 tbsp. Paprika
1 tbsp. Garlic paste
1 tbsp. Chili powder
Salt to taste
1/4 tsp. Cinnamon powder
1/2 tsp. ground Cumin
1/4 tsp. ground Cloves
3 tsp. Lemon juice
1 tsp. Red food color
A spritzer of the type used to mist plants or dampen clothes for ironing for the barbecue flare ups.

1. Wash the chicken and cut it in to medium pieces.
2. For the marinade, combine all the remaining ingredients.
3. Mix the marinade and the chicken and leave it for about 6 hours in refrigerator.
4. To barbecue, either a wood or a charcoal fire will do. Turn the chicken often so that it doesn't burn, and when the fire does flare up, extinguish the blaze by spraying it with water from your spritzer. It takes about 20 minutes to cook.
5. Now your Chicken tikka is ready, serve and enjoy…..