Squid Fry

1 kg- Squid, cleaned and cut into rings
3 tbsp. Red chili powder
1 tbsp. Turmeric powder
1 tbsp. Ginger paste
1 tbsp. Garlic paste
¼ tbsp. Fennel seed powder
Salt to taste
15-20 Curry leaves
Oil for frying

1. Marinate squids with red chili powder, turmeric powder, ginger paste, garlic paste, fennel seed powder and salt for about half hour.
2. In a thick bottom pan, heat oil and fry the squid adding some curry leaves. Do not over cook.
3. Once golden brown, drain to a tissue paper and serve hot.
Important Tip - Close the pan while frying. Else there are chances of squid getting blasted and oil will spill on to your body.

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